About the project:
One of the activities planned to take place in the framework of the project is a Blended mobility of young people, which will take place in Varna, Bulgaria from 19th to 23rd July 2021. During the training, the participants will be put in different life situations and they will have to use different strategies, identified during the research activities.
Aim and objectives:
The aim of this activity is practically to experiment the application and relevance of the determined good practices of creating an intercultural environment and prepared strategies for overcoming cultural shock and stereotypes. Additionally, the direct participants in the training will gain valuable knowledge, skills and attitudes to cope with different situations and issues, which may arise during their stay abroad among people with different cultural backgrounds.
Each participant will be entitled to receive a YouthPass certificate after the activity.
DATES: 19th – 23rd July 2021
VENUE: Varna, Bulgaria.
PARTICIPANTS: 3 young people (age 18 – 30)
For more information about the project and a link to the application form, please send us an email to [email protected] with the subject Blended Mobility of Young People.