Join Us in Tackling Online Misinformation and Promoting Mental Health Awareness!

Are you passionate about combating fake news and ensuring accurate information online? Do you care about mental health and its impact on individuals in the digital age? We’re seeking dedicated volunteers to join our project team! If you are a secondary student from North Macedonia, and English is your comfortable working language, you are most welcome to apply!

🔍 Project Focus: Our initiative aims to verify information circulating online, combat the spread of fake news, and raise awareness about mental health challenges exacerbated by digital misinformation.

📅 Time Commitment:
• April 6th-training in digital literacy and combating fake news(in English language)
• April 8th to 30th-creating online content for raising awareness on protecting youth’s mental health while using digital and social media

🌍 Location: Skopje and online

📝 How to Apply: Interested individuals can apply by filling out the questionaire using the link below, by 30 March 2024

Let’s work together to create a safer and healthier online environment for everyone! Join our team today and be part of the solution!

Link for registration

Прашалник за средношколци за влијанието на дигиталните и социјалните медиуми врз нивната добросостојба

Ве молиме одговарајте искрено, бидејќи само искрените одговори се од помош, а ние ја гарантираме вашата анонимност, така што не Ве прашуваме за Вашето име, туку само за Вашата возраст, пол и место на живеење, за да можеме подобро да ги разбереме различните перспективи.
🔸Прашалникот, како и повеќе информации за проектот, ќе најдете на следните линкови:
🔹Ве молиме пополнете го најдоцна до 31 март.