Call for 3 ESC volunteers on a long term project in the Netherlands
CYA Krik issues a call for 3 ESC volunteers on a long term project in the Netherlands.
When: 01.09.2021- 25.08.2022
Where: Depending on which option you are chosen for but most of the volunteers will be accommodated in Lunteren, Netherlands.
Options where you will be able to volunteer:
• At Humanitas volunteers you work in the same house for the whole year, as this is easier for the clients. The different houses are located in Ede and Amersfoort. An extended description of the working places is further in the info-pack.
• At Siza volunteers are placed in one of the living groups and work with that group for one year. Some of the groups include people with heavy disabilities, so it is important that the volunteers are aware of that. An extended
description of the working places is further in the info-pack.
• In De Glind volunteers will be hosted in the same village, where they will stay for the full year in the same working place. They will work in the family homes and at the school and will do all kind of practical jobs that belong to the
practical work in a family home, but also will do as much as possible activities with the kids that live in the family home. An extended description of the working places is further in the info-pack.
• Under Rock Solid there are different working places, a few in different organizations like family homes and a day care center (theatre and so on) for disabled people, and a few homes for elderly people with dementia.
• New under Rock Solid in 2021 will be a social restaurant with a small hostel (3 double rooms, with bunk beds). For this restaurant we need a cooking and serving staff of 4 people and a floor manager, all of them will be under
professional guidance by the restaurant manager.
*Volunteers can apply for all projects or only for one of them, but they cannot choose a specific working place. We will divide these together with the hosting organizations in the way we feel how is best according to your profile and the needs of the working place, we do this after the interviews and after an assessment of the skills of the candidate and the needs of the organization. Of course, you can give a preference, but if you are open to work in any of the three organizations, your chance of being selected is bigger for sure. Be aware of the fact that only a few working places include “the working with children” part.
*Lunteren, a village right in the middle of the Netherlands, will be a little bit the ”center” of the projects (where most of the volunteers will be hosted, language courses and team building activities will be organized etc.), so traveling time to work by bike, bus or train can take between 25 minutes till 1 hour and 20 minutes (if there are no delays). However, the working hours are adjusted to the traveling hours, so less travel means more working and more travel means fewer working hours, so it will be “fair” for all. In total the volunteers are active between 36 and 40 hours a week, including the Dutch classes, travel and other mandatory activities (excluding team-builders).
Profile of the volunteers and selection process:
• We aim for volunteers who are interested social work and/or people with disadvantages in general.
• One of the conditions to apply is a good knowledge of English and good social skills because the volunteers have to work with people with mental challenges.
• Another condition is a proof of good conduct, because this is obliged in Dutch youth and social care.
• The candidate can send his or her application to Chris van Maanen by mail: [email protected], this should contain a CV, motivation letter and photo and preferably Facebook contact.
• The information we request is not intended to reject a candidate, but to get an idea of what the candidate’s interest and abilities are and how he/she can grow as a person and what they can add to the project. In this way we can
make an assessment in which project the volunteer fits best and have an idea about the support that the volunteer will be needing throughout the year (that’s why it could be important for the volunteer to check if all the projects would suit him/her)
• When we think a candidate is suitable, we invite the candidate for a Skype call. This will be done by the mentors and/or Jeanine and Chris van Maanen (coordinator). During this conversation we’re trying to get to know the
candidate, talk about expectations and provide them with extra informationabout the projects and our organizations.
For any other information see the info pack below:
Info pack ESC volunteering in Netherlands 2021-2022
How to apply:
Send you CV and motivational letter to [email protected]
Albanian Helsinki Committee is implementing the project “Digital Media in a new era: The route to self-regulation, ethics and independence”, financially supported by the Dutch government. In this framework, AHC supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Albania and the Regional Rule of Law Network of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs is organizing a Regional Media Conference on 18 – 19 March 2021.
This regional media conference aims to address the challenges and solutions of media representatives, in terms of professionalism, ethics and independence from a regional perspective, in all Western Balkan countries (WB6).
Experts from six Western Balkan countries, respectively from Albania, Serbia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo as well as from the Netherlands and European Court of Human Rights will contribute to this event.
This event will touch on a number of important media aspects, such as self-regulation, ethics and independence. Organised in different tailor-made sessions, the aim is to help for a better understanding, raising awareness and seeking efficient ways to develop and strengthen media self-regulation, how to minimalize breach of ethics and how to preserve and strengthen media independence and survive from internal or external pressures and influences. Also a special session of this conference will be dedicated to the standards elaborated in the jurisprudence of the Strasbourg Court, related to the freedom of media.
Tirana will be the hosting city of the conference. In compliance with the protocols and guidelines of the World Health Organization, the Conference is planned to be held with a limited physical presence of the participants and through the online platforms, in a hybrid way by altering both formats.
We would like to encourage all those interested to express their interest in participating in the Regional Media Conference by submitting their application as instructed in this call for applications.
Eligible applicants:
– Representatives/journalists from media outlets in all Western Balkan countries (WB6)
– Editors from media outlets in all Western Balkan countries (WB6)
– Media organizations in all Western Balkan countries (WB6)
– Active journalists (affiliated or freelance) in all Western Balkan countries (WB6)
– Media experts in all Western Balkan countries (WB6)
– Regulatory bodies of media in all Western Balkan countries (WB6)
– Scholars in all Western Balkan countries (WB6)
Please note that the Conference working language will be English, therefore having a good command of English is a must for all participants.
After the event, AHC will provide support through vouchers (a modest sub-grant scheme within this project) based on a model of small amount of cash prize, for 3-4 journalists that are participants of the regional conference. All the interested participants representing the media sector will be encouraged to apply within this scheme with articles or stories that address in more depth the topics/themes addressed at this conference. This scheme will have a preferential focus on addressing these issues at the regional level, but without excluding the competitiveness of attractive ideas at the national level in one of the 6 countries of the Western Balkans. The evaluation of the best proposals will be based on criteria such as professionalism, proposed methodology, proportional representation of gender equality and geographical reach among the WB.
Application procedure:
Interested candidates should send a short Bio (max 1 page) and a letter of interest to the email address: [email protected] . The deadline for applications is 20 February 2021. Selected candidates will be notified after this date.
Contact making conference
What: Contact making conference (digital event) is an integral part of the process of establishment of the bilateral youth offices of cooperation between North Macedonia and Greece and a final event of the first (inception) phase of the initiative. It is supported by German Embassy in Skopje and the Embassy of the United States of America in Skopje.
Why: We will strive towards bringing together decision makers, young people, civil society representatives think tankers, and academia from the both countries to tackle the most pressing challenges and opportunities for bilateral cooperation and building good neighbour relations.
When: 25-26 February, 2021 (Thursday & Friday); two sessions per day.
Who: young people, youth leaders, youth workers from North Macedonia and Greece
How: After submitting the application, the project team will contact you for details about the conference.
Final deadline 20th of February, 2021.
Иницијативата „Преосмисли ја иднината“
Претседателот Пендаровски и Фондот за деца при Обединетите нации (УНИЦЕФ) најавија нова заедничка иницијатива „Преосмисли ја иднината“ со која на децата и на младите ќе им се даде простор да се вклучат во дефинирањето на визијата за иднината што ја сакаат за себе и за идните генерации.
Во наредните три месеци, младите ќе имаат шанса за учество во консултации каде ќе дискутираат за прашања што им се важни, за своите најголеми предизвици и очекувања за иднината на земјата, а ќе добијат и простор да предложат решенија со кои визијата ќе се претвори во реалност.
„Денешната генерација на млади се соочува со голем број предизвици. Но, истовремено тие се најинформираната и најдигитализираната генерација во нашата историја која има уникатна прилика да направи нешто за својата иднина. Наша должност е да ги слушнеме нивните ставови, затоа што нивните идеи се важни. Да им помогнеме да бидат дел од процесите на креирање политики и носење на одлуки кои влијаат на нивната и иднината на сите нас,“ истакна претседателот Стево Пендаровски.
Во земјата има близу 190.000 адолесценти на возраст од 12 до 19 години, а сепак малкумина од нив имаат можност да учествуваат во одлуките што го засегаат нивниот живот, нивната егзистенција и нивните заедници. Квалитетното образование, менталното здравје, насилството на интернет, климатската акција, миграцијата и вработувањето се меѓу главните приоритети на младите пред и за време на пандемијата со КОВИД-19. Оваа нова иницијатива се фокусира на подобра и поправедна иднина за секое дете и секој младинец во земјата во периодот по КОВИД-19.
„Она што го правиме за децата и младите, заедно со нив и во нивно име денес, ќе го одреди нивното утре. Ваквата заедничка иницијатива доаѓа во клучен момент и претставува ретка можност да се преосмисли иднината заедно со децата и младите. Преку иницијативата, младите ќе се оспособат да станат двигатели на промени за низа прашања, а нам ќе ни се овозможи да го искористиме огромниот потенцијал за иновација и трансформација што тие го нудат кога се поддржани со вистинските платформи и вештини, и кога имаат самодоверба да бидат лидери во својата земја,“ изјави Патриција Ди Џовани, претставничка на УНИЦЕФ.
Младите се поканети да учествуваат во првата онлајн-анкета чија цел е да се утврдат предизвиците со кои се соочуваат, но и да се откријат нивните идеи и визии за иднината. Наодите од истражувањето ќе послужат како поткрепа за темите на работилниците во наредните месеци, а младите ќе бидат поканети да се приклучат преку отворен повик.
За повеќе информации, контактирајте со:
Кабинет на претседателот:
Катерина Цаневска,+389 76 455 546, [email protected]
Сузи Папас, тел: +389 72 2236725, [email protected]
Ирина Ивановска, тел: +389 72 236 722, [email protected]
Истражување за Интеркултурни медијатори
Центар за интеркултурен дијалог(ЦИД) како партнер на проектот “InterMEDs- Fostering ‘Intercultural MEDiators’ as a practice for establishing communities coalition and mutual understanding” финансирана од Ерасмус+ програмата, спроведува истражување – Интеркултурни медијатори.
Главната цел на овој прашалник е да се испита моменталното ниво на разбирање на меѓукултурната медијација преку културата, медиумите и уметноста во 6 европски земји. Овој прашалник е адресиран на лица кои работат / претставуваат (или работеле / претставувале) институции, невладини организации, здруженија на граѓанско општество, здруженија на имигранти / бегалци.
Се проценува дека завршувањето на истражувањето ќе трае околу 10 минути и вашиот придонес е многу ценет.
*Поради потребите на проектот, прашалникот е на англиски јазик.*
Истиот најдете го на следниов линк