Call for National Trainer on Integrity Policy for the local self-government units


In 2020, in order to support local self-government units introduce the integrity system elements and improve ethical conduct of elected officials and municipal administration, the OSCE Mission to Skopje (the Mission) engaged in revision of the old and production of a new Integrity Policy Declaration for the local self-government units, followed by practical Guidelines for the implementation of the elements of integrity system in the local context.

As part of the project “Supporting Democratic Governance and Inclusion Processes”, in 2021, the Mission in co-operation with the State Commission for Prevention of Corruption will organize a training programme for municipal administrations from up to 30 local self-government units. The training will be delivered online by one external trainer and one Mission staff, with the assistance and participation of one representative of the SCPC and one representative of the Agency for Free Access to Public Information. 

For this purpose, The Mission is looking to engage a National Trainer to contribute to the preparation and delivery of the training programme.


Tasks and Responsibilities:

  1. Cooperate with the Mission and State Commission for Prevention of Corruption in the planning and implementation of training program on the system of integrity for the local self-government units in 2021;
  2. Analyse the new Integrity Policy for the local self-government units and the accompanying Guidelines on the implementation of the integrity system in the local self-government units;
  3. Analyse relevant legislation pertaining to the new integrity policy – Law on Prevention of Corruption and Conflict of Interest, Law on Whistle-blowers’ Protection, Law on Local Self-Government, Law on Financing Local Self-Government Units, Law on Public Internal Financial Control, Law on Free Access to Public Information, Law on Public Procurements, Law on Administrative Servants and Law on Quality Management in the Public Sector;
  4. Analyse relevant corruption prevention / local government strategic documents – National Strategy for Prevention of Corruption, Programme for Sustainable Local Development and Decentralization, National Open Government Action Plan;
  5. Deliver three (3) pre-training introductory sessions for participants of the three (3) training groups on the online training tools (working in breakout groups, using Mentimeter, Zoom polls, Jamboard writing,etc.)
  6. Deliver three (3) five-day online training modules through the Zoom platform for three groups of municipal administrative servants based on the concept and training materials designed in 2020;
  7. Prepare training report containing the results of the processed training evaluation forms, including gender considerations;
  8. Remain open for additional consultations after the training delivery and reporting phase. 


Necessary qualification:

  • Citizenship of or permanent residence in the Republic of North Macedonia;
  • University degree in public administration, economy, law, political science, or other field of social sciences relevant to the area of engagement;
  • At least 6 years of professional experience in the field of corruption prevention, integrity, democratic governance, public administration reform and decentralization;
  • At least 6 years of professional experience in designing and delivering trainings on integrity/anti-corruption with a special focus on local self-government units;
  • At least 5 years of experience in providing consultancy services in the area of anti-corruption, integrity and decentralization/ public administration reform;
  • Experience in delivering trainings through online platforms (Zoom);
  • Excellent analytical, communication, presentation, organizational and writing skills;
  • Knowledge of English language;
  • Computer advanced;
  • Gender sensitivity and basic knowledge on the concepts of mainstreaming gender in public administration.


Required competencies:

Core values

  • Commitment: Actively contributes to achieving organizational goals
  • Diversity: Respects others and values their diverse perspectives and contributions
  • Integrity: Acts in a manner consistent with the Organization’s core values and organizational principles
  • Accountability: Takes responsibility for own action and delegated work

Core competencies

  • Communication: Actively works to achieve clear and transparent communication with colleagues and with stakeholders of the Organization
  • Collaboration: Works effectively with others on common goals and fosters a positive, trust-based working environment
  • Planning: Works towards the achievement of goals in a structured and measured manner
  • Analysis and decision-making: Analyses available information, draws well-founded conclusions and takes appropriate decisions
  • Initiative-taking: Proposes and initiates new ideas, activities and projects
  • Flexibility: Responds positively and effectively to changing circumstances

Remuneration Package:

For the services provided, the Trainer will be remunerated with a lump sum of EUR 2,500.00, payable in 2 instalments, upon successful delivery of the services as foreseen in the Terms of Reference.

The foreseen period of engagement is from May to July 2021.

How to apply:

All applicants are strongly encouraged to apply online, using the OSCE online application link, found under

In case of technical difficulties with online application, applicants may submit a duly completed OSCE offline application form which can found under The OSCE Application Form completed in English with quoted vacancy number should be sent by e-mail to [email protected]

Please note that applications received after the deadline, submitted in different formats than the OSCE Application Form or in other languages than the English language will not be considered.

The OSCE retains the discretion to re-advertise the vacancy, to cancel the recruitment, or offer the position with modified Terms of Reference.

Only those applicants who are selected to participate in the subsequent stages of recruitment will be contacted.

The OSCE is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages qualified female and male candidates from all national, religious, ethnic and social backgrounds to apply.

Please be aware that the OSCE does not request payment at any stage of the application and review process.


[Панел дискусија] Ментално здравје – сега е моментот!

Чест ни е да Ве поканиме на панел дискусијата ‘’Влијанието на различните средини врз менталното здравје на младите’’, на која експерти ќе говорат за влијанието од три различни аспекти.

Регионалниот настан во Скопје има за цел да ја подигне свеста за важноста на влијанието на образовниот систем, семејството и врсниците врз развојот на младите преку споделување на знаењето на експертите и собирање на информации преку тркалезна маса на чија основа потоа ќе се креира документ за јавни политики. Дополнително, во текот на проектот и процесот на изработка на документот за јавни политики, ќе бидат организирани уште 3 регионални настани во Битола, Штип и Гостивар.

Детали за настанот во Скопје:
📅 6 април
⌛ 12:00 – 14:30 ч
📍 ТЦЦ Гранд Плаза
Поради ограничениот број на учесници согласно мерките за справување со Ковид-19, Ве молиме да се пријавите на следниот линк –
На учесниците кои ќе доаѓаат од други градови ќе им бидат покриени патните трошоци доколку уредно ги сочуваат и ни ги достават доказите за превоз.
Дискусијата ќе биде модерирана од страна на Анита Николовска, Извршен директор на Младите можат. Гости говорници на настанот се психолог Ана Попризова која ќе зборува за влијанието од аспект на образовниот систем, психолог Марија Стефанова која ќе ја сподели својата експертиза за влијанието на семејството врз менталното здравје на младите и Александар Милошевиќ претставник од нашата партнер организација Y-peer Македонија кој ќе зборува на темата од аспект на влијанието на врсниците.
“Ментално здравје – сега е моментот“ е проект кој Здружението на граѓани Младите можат во партнерство со Y-peer Македонија, го спроведува како дел од Еразмус плус програмата поддржана од Европската Унија. Нашето четиригодишно искуство во спроведување и поддршка на иницијативи за промовирање на важноста на менталното здравје на младите и сите предизвици со кои се соочивме, ја истакнаа потребата да се влијае на темата преку сеопфатен систематски пристап. Иако темата почнува да се актуелизира кај младите, таа е се уште табу за поширокото општество, па затоа преку овој проект сакаме да ја подобриме соработката помеѓу различните засегнати страни во граѓанското општество за промовирање на важноста и потреба за грижа за менталното здравје на младите како основна компонента на личниот раст и развој.
*При организацијата на настанот ќе бидат запазени сите заштитни мерки и насоки усвоени од Владата на Република Северна Македонија.

Open Call for participants – “Team B-well”

This pandemic has brought upon obstacles for each individual but, one of the hardest has been maintaining mental health. One study suggests that this lockdown has led youth to deal with stress, anxiety and, a feeling of helplessness in all. Since it is hard to predict how long this pandemic will last, our overall purpose of the project Team B-well is to guide youth on how to deal with stress, anxiety and maintain their mental health during and beyond this period. The objective is to gather a portion of our youth and give them guidance on how to deal with this pandemic.

Who can apply?
All young people within the age of 18-26, who will be willing to learn and participate in all project activities.

How many candidates will be selected?
10 candidates from the age of 18-26 will be selected, all candidates selected or otherwise will be informed by the email provided to us in this open call.

Deadline: 20th of April

This project is part of “Team B-well” implemented by Linking, Engagement, Advocacy,
Development – LEAD Fellows Nertila Ahmedi and Anjeza Sadiku Gorenca, funded by USAID’s Civic Engagement Project

For more information don’t hesitate to contact us at: [email protected] or [email protected]

Use the link to apply!