Call and Criteria
Transformers (Civic Activism – Art for Social Change) is a project that aims to encourage active civic involvement of citizens using artistic, cultural, and educational techniques. Through this project we want to contribute to a more creative and inclusive public space and to a more effective participation of local communities in public life.
Transformers aims to enable people from local communities to reflect on relevant issues, to create a culture of opening a public social space and to facilitate mutual exchange in an intercultural and creative process.
By strengthening the role of arts and creative approaches, through working together, getting trained, debating and dealing with socio-political issues in our society, we want to bridge divisions and to create synergies between different regions of North Macedonia and the Balkans; at the same time bridging the division between civic organizations and state actors.
We invite you to become part of Transformers – an exciting group of people ready to make changes in the local communities where they live and function. Are you ready to embark on a journey that will bring you new knowledge, experiences, a wider network, and much more? Do you dare to transform and engage in civic activities?
We are looking for people of 18 years and above who are ready to join the project. You will get trained, practice your knowledge, and afterwards organize transformative actions inspired by topics closely related to you and the places where you live and function, reanimating abandoned public spaces, engaging your communities and giving new meaning to what a common space is and should be – all done by your own initiative, supported all the way by the mentors and the project team.
If you get selected, you will have the chance to attend the training (all expenses covered), work together with like-minded, creative and inspirational young people from different backgrounds, and have the chance to contribute with your personal ideas in implementing several transformative actions in your local community.
During the training you will gain knowledge for the usage of various artistic and educational tools and get trained to use them in benefit of civic, urban and creative activism, contributing to the engagement of more youngsters and peers for this purpose.
Right after the training you will have the chance to bring to life your ideas and implement projects that would initiate social change.
– age over 18,
– interest in community activism, artivism (previous experience is valued),
– interest in working with different forms of art (photography, video production, street art, painting, poetry slam, performances, etc.) and intercultural education,
– interest in volunteering and contributing to local communities,
– English is valued
– currently living in North Macedonia and the region (WB6)
– motivation and commitment to create and be part of a sustainable group of people, working further together, with the power to multiply the gained knowledge and skills, and to create a network of like-minded peers,
– availability to attend the training in Ohrid, North Macedonia in the period from 11 – 16.03.2022,
– motivated to implement transformative actions in the period 2022
Open to: university students, civil activists, engaged artists, media workers, individuals, formal or non-formal groups
How to apply:
– Complete the application form and submit it!
– Deadline: 6th of March, 2022
*Given the situation created by the COVID-19 pandemic the training will be held according to the protocol provided by the government of the Republic of North Macedonia.
ПРЕТПРИЕМАЈ СЕ! – работилници за претприемништво за млади (15-29)
Дали често го слушаш зборот претприемач и се прашуваш што ли тоа значи?
Или веќе го знаеш значењето и едвај чекаш да станеш претприемач?
Ние ја имаме вистинската програма за тебе!
Доколку си млад човек на возраст од 15-29 години и доаѓаш од Пробиштип или Кратово, сакаш да научиш повеќе за тоа што е и како да се стане претприемач, тогаш пријави се и приклучи се на нашите работилници кои ќе те научат за ова.
Низ 10 работилници водени од искусни младински работници и преку учење низ искуство и игра ќе имаш можност да научиш повеќе за претприемништвото. Работилниците ќе се спроведуваат во Пробиштип и Кратово и се наменети за по 20 учесници.
Пријавувањето трае до 04.03.2022, а работилниците ќе започнат од втората недела во март 2022. По работилниците ќе следуваат и низа настани како вмрежување меѓу учесниците, презентација на стручните училишта и нивната работа, самит за претприемништво во Скопје, со успешни претпиемачи како панелисти и работилници за креирање на бизнис планови.
Пријави се на овој ЛИНК!
Ве очекуваме!
Главната цел на проектот „Претприемирај се!“ е да се негува и поттикне претприемачкиот дух на младите во земјата и да се обезбедат можности за личен раст и развој низ призмата на претприемништвото.
Проектот „Претприемирај се!“ се имплементира од страна на Центарот за младински активизам КРИК од Скопје, чиј партнер е младинската организација ГРИТ од Пробиштип, во рамки на иницијативата „Балкански млади: поврзување на едукацијата, способностите и партнерскиот потенцијал во регионалните практики за вработување“ која е координирана од Junior Achievement Србија, а партнер од РС Македонија е Национален младински совет на Македонија, финансиски поддржана од ЕУ.
CYA Krik is looking for 3 participants for TC “WELL-BE” in Velje, Denmark.
The host:
Hora Copenhagen is the hosting organisation. We are an NGO from Denmark, run by members both from Romania and Denmark. Hora aims to involve both youth and youth trainers into various international projects in order to expand their cultural horizon, knowledge and understanding on topics like social entrepreneurship, mental and physical wellbeing.
Project Dates:
9th of June – arrival day; 16th of June – departure day
You can stay up to 1 day before and after the project dates. Your transportation costs will be reimbursed. However, you will have to cover your own the other expenses!
About the Project:
A major problem in recent years in the European Union is increase in the number of young people at risk and in particular in the number of NEETs (youth not in Education Employment or Training). WELL-BE has two main priorities: (1) to support young people find a job / continue their studies – by offering coaching and mentorship personalized. (2) to equip youth workers with the knowledge, tools and skills regarding youth coaching and mentoring.
The project consists of 2 Training Courses (TC):
TC 1 – in Denmark: Experiment and acquire coaching and mentoring techniques. The participants will train their coaching skills and access knowledge on the subject. After the TC 1, the youth workers return to their local communities with the commitment of delivering coaching sessions for minimum 10 participants, for youngsters at the limit of NEEDs or included in this category.
TC 2 – in Romania: Developing a model of coaching intervention for youth. The youth workers will meet again to share good practices, weaknesses and tools, what tools really worked, what did not work and develop together a high quality coaching model for different categories of youth. (last week of July)
Participant Profile:
– has at least 18 years old
– has at least 2 years of experience working with young people and are interested in becoming mentors / holding coaching sessions for young people in their organization and/or local community.
– open to new, flexible, proactive and willing to work in an multicultural environment as a team player
– is motivated to participate in these training courses and is interested in the proposed topic
– which has English skills necessary for the proper course of the project and for achieving its objectives
– willing to implement, in the local community , 10 coaching sessions each / 1 group coaching session with minimum 10 participants
– youngsters at the limit of NEEDs or included in this category -willing to share the learning outcomes of the training course in their organizations or local community
*Applicants that are able to participate in both mobilities will have priority in the participant selection.
Expand your Network with:
23 participants from Cyprus (3), Denmark(3), Italy(3), North Macedonia(3), Portugal(3), Romania(3), Turkey(3) + 2 trainers
The organizer provides accommodation and food for the entire training course. The place is located by the charming small town Vejle, at about 30 minutes from Legoland in Billund and less than 2½ hours from the capital. Participants will be hosted in shared rooms at Spejderbakken Øvre – a house that belongs to The Green Girl Scouts of Denmark. WI-FI is available in the whole building.
3 vegetarian meals + 2 coffee breaks between sessions per day. As we are against animal cruelty and exploitation, we will offer only vegetarian meal courses prepared by our chefs in the local kitchen.
275e These amounts represent the maximum that can be reimbursered. However we kindly recommend to be considerate and rather choose environmentally friendly and economic ways of transportation.
You need to use the coaching tools that you have just learned and organize coaching sessions for minimum 10 youngsters at the limit of NEEDs or included in this category You will have 30 days after the TC to organize the coaching sessions. After the activity please send us 5 pics and a short resume.
As of f 1 February 2022 rules for entry to Denmark have been eased:
· All persons from anywhere in the world with a valid proof of vaccination with an approved vaccine or proof of previous infection may enter Denmark without being subject to any COVID-19 entry restrictions.
How to apply:
If interested, please fill in the application form. Deadline for applications:11.03.2022
For any additional questions, contact us at [email protected]