CYA Krik is looking for a volunteer in Vietnam (80days)

Starting date: 15.06.2022

  • Vietnam
  • 80
  • Summer 2022

Your role

1. Marketing Assistant:      * Get involved in marketing plan: good at social media or any marketing ideas.      * They have a website:, supported by YESD Social Enterprise but they have no marketing skills.2. Design and Education project: We are supporting Thon Tha Agriculture and Tourism Cooperative to run a small workshop of handicraft embroidery products where next generation can learn about their culture and preserve their core values.      * create eco-friendly handmade products for tourists that are based on indigenous cultures and values.      * Eco-tours.      * Eco-food      * Building capacity for local staff, especially the young generation to reserve traditional cultures and values BY      + Teaching them English.      + Raise awareness to maintain their own language and tradition.3. Environment Management Assistant: We run responsible tourism because we would love to bring an authentic Vietnam to our friends (both local and internationals) But recently when massive tourism has boomed, that cause many headache problems on the environment. YESD Social Enterprise opened some workshops to encourage the local people to protect the planet.      * Find-out environmental issues around the area.      * Promote 3R circle (reuse-recycle-recycle – reduce) to local citizens and out-side visitors.      * Garbage disposal.      * Educational workshop about protecting the planet with local kids: Organizing summer camps.

Qualification & prerequisites

    • Solid knowledge of environmental science (especially in plastic pollution)
    • Proficient in spoken and written English
    • Experience developing written content on sustainability-linked themes or topics in
      emerging markets
    • research skills
    • people skills, known for being a good listener, taking feedback well,
    • generating actionable insights
    • MS Office
    • data visualisation
    • Self-motivated and ability to manage your own time
    • A ‘can do’ attitude and a flexible approach to work demands
    • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
    Volunteers from Slovakia, Czechia, North Macedonia and Italy are eligible for this position.

Visa & travel arrangements

Due to the current situation all of volunteers are required to be fully vaccinated with one of the vaccines. Sinovac (Chinese vaccine) are not highly recommended because of its side-effects. It is important to bring the vaccination certificates. Information on Covid-19 restrictions can be found here.

Visa procedure takes usually 1 -3 month.

The sending and hosting organisation will give further information to the volunteers.

Hosting organisation

The Centre for Supporting Green Development (GreenHub) is a Vietnamese, civil society organization under the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations (Vusta) with oversight by the Ministry of Science & Technology, and with an CSO Registration Number A1555. GreenHub’s Vision is the green development of Vietnam, and its mission is to connect communities and resources to embrace green lifestyle practices, sustainable production and nature conservation.

The “Local Solutions for Plastic Pollution” (LSPP) funded by the USAID addresses the challenges faced by local communities in overcoming the negative environmental health impacts caused by plastics pollution which is increasing in Vietnam. Vietnam is listed as 1 of the top 5 plastic waste polluters of the world’s oceans, discharging 0.28 – 0.73 million tons annually. While plastics pollution is increasingly receiving policy attention at the national level, local empowerment of actors at the local level is needed to collaborate, take collective action, change behaviors and advocate for policies based on solid environmental, health and community evidence. To develop
and sustain solutions, the use of information technology is essential. However, there is no central or local initiative or internet-based platform on plastics pollution and its environmental health impacts in Vietnam for actors to interact and network, nor mobile solutions (mHealth) to deliver environmental health education, reliable plastic waste community information, and support collective action to prioritize action, create and share online solutions. The ‘Local Solutions for Plastic Pollution’ project activities aim to empower local communities to reduce plastics pollution by building collective action from the ground up by creating, strengthening and uniting networks, communities and individuals in Hanoi, Ha Long (Quang Ninh), Da Nang, and Hoi An (Quang Nam). The project duration is August 2020 – July 2023 and implemented by GreenHub, the Institute of Strategy and Policy on Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE), Hanoi University of Public Health, and Global Integrated Management System Company Limited (GIMASYS).


How to apply?

Fill in this form APPLICATION FORM

Deadline 25.05.2022

Written by Merima Saracevic-volunteer in Vietnam in April 2022

I was lucky to get the chance to visit northern Vietnam and spend a month living a life as a local in the village of Thon Tha. A small village near the town of Ha Giang. Ha Giang is a lovely town – the beginning and the end of the mesmerizing loop, which is an exciting story itself.
I decided to say yes to this opportunity and explore a whole another world, as well as know myself more meanwhile. I am thankful to YESD and the hosting family who introduced me into their lifestyle and made my stay comfortable. 

All of the locals were very hospitable and welcoming. As nice as they are, it was unavoidable to attend every weekend party and the evening hangouts, where we would drink rice wine/beer and exchange words in different languages. I also learned a few recipes of the food that I loved, like Spring rolls and the fruity Che.
The activities of this mobility were mostly about interaction with the locals. Thus, we held English classes, did handicraft workshops with the artisans, planned local events, explored the jungle and decorated the common area. During all of these hours, I had the space to express my creativity and add my soul into the work, while simultaneously grasping a completely different lifestyle. Each day was busy and productive, however, these hours were the most valuable addition to my experience.

I would spend my free evenings at the nearby waterfalls – a joyfull place with chill water, refreshing for the hot days. It was the perfect place to calm my mind, read a book or meet other travelers that are visiting at the moment.

What I most enjoyed are the mornings with a cup of pure filtered Vietnamese coffee and the sound of birds and crickets around. You can see the teeth mountains from anywhere in the village, so wherever you decide to sit and chill you’ll have a beautiful view, including the wide rice paddies, green valleys and palm jungles.

Once you are in Vietnam, Hanoi is a must see. It has been a while since I last felt so excited to explore a city, but on the other hand – saddened that the time I had was not enough, for such a large, plentiful and dynamic place. I mostly spent my time sightseeing on foot, exploring the streets within and around the city center. Frequent well-preserved colonial buildings, pagodas and various museums are the spots that you can not miss, since they display the cultural, societal and historical abundance. Hanoi is very vivid at night and I was captivated by the wide spectrum of places, based on the type of music they play. And again, nothing is better than fancy a coconut coffee in a coffee shop near the lake with a view on Hanoi’s Old Quarter.

For anyone interested to volunteer in Vietnam, there is one placement open for this summer that can be seen

Оглас за ангажирање на локални соработници за вмрежување во рамки на проектот „Потпри се на младите!“

Проектот има за цел да го подобри квалитетот на живот на младите во локалните заедници со поттикнување и зголемување на младинскиот активизам и волонтеризам, преку зголемување на капацитетите на младите за организирано дејствување во локалните заедници кои припаѓаат на Североисточниот, Пелагонискиот, Полошкиот и Југозападниот плански регион и обезбедување техничка поддршка како обуки, менторство и финансиска поддршка за нивните идеи.
Избраните соработници ќе служат како директен канал на комуникација со целната група во руралните општини и притоа треба да обезбедат учесници мотивирани да се вклучат во проектните активности (инфо сесии, работилници, фокус групи, состаноци и сл.). Детален опис на потребната услуга е даден во тендерската документација и Описот на надлежности кој е составен дел на оваа покана (Прилог 1)

Право на учество имаат сите заинтересирани физички лица кои имаат минимум завршено средно образование. 

Како критериуми за оценка на квалитетот на понудата покрај горенаведените минимум услови ќе бидат земени предвид и следните критериуми: образование, искуство, место на живеење во регионот каде што ќе бидат ангажирани, познавање на локалниот контекст во дадениот регион, способност за работа на терен, познавање на средината во која се спроведуваат активностите, поседување на комуникациски вештини, поседување на вештини за справување со конфликтни ситуации; поседување на компјутерски вештини.

Сите заинтересирани физички лица треба да достават:

Рокот за доставување на понудите е 23.05.2022 година до 16:00 часот.

Максималниот бруто износ предвиден за ангажман на еден соработник е 18.450 мкд. Индикативен период за спроведување на услугата и испорака на бараниот аутпут е мај – јули / септември-октомври 2022 г.

Понудите се поднесуваат по електронски пат со назнака: „За повик бр. 01/ПОМ/2022/ЏА“ на [email protected].

Овој оглас се спроведува во рамки на проектот „Потпри се на младите“ кој е финансиран од Европската Унија и во партнерство го спроведуваат Македонската развојна фондација за претпријатија (МРФП), Рурална коалиција, Џуниор Ачивмент Македонија и ЕЛИТ – Здружение на жени менаџери.