Peace with me is a 7-day training course that will take place from 09-17 October in Oradea, Romania, which aims to support a network of youth workers
that promote a preventive approach on conflicts and violence among their beneficiaries. The project is seen as a follow-up initiative which creates added value for the participants in terms of a deeper
understanding of violence and a strengthened international cooperation in this field.
The methodology prepared involves three dimensions of the learning process: acquiring
knowledge, practical experience and reflective evaluation. Encouraging a systemic thinking, the
process will propose three perspectives of understanding violence: visualizing its complexity,
verbalizing and expressing its complexity, and exploring the reality of the topic in many aspects.
Expect to have an intense working week with a wide range of methods, from research-based tasks
to fully artistic sessions, guided in a safe learning space. We will mix text reading, meditation,
contact making improvisation, body expressivity and communication, analysis, reflection, theatre,
emotional introspection, trust making and trust challenges, and many other. Be ready to share, give
and reflect on the experience every day, 24/7.
Objectives of the project
- Equipping 24 youth workers with relevant competences for understanding and preventing the
occurrence of interpersonal conflicts generated by abusive and violent behavioral patterns; - Incorporating in the participants’ work a preventive approach against violence manifestations by
creating a personalized plan to fit each organization; - A better understanding for the participants of the principles and benefits of using holistic
facilitation as a working principle; - Strengthen the cooperation between the partner organizations by creating an international
network of youth workers motivated to initiate new actions connected with this topic.
Who is this project for?
The project was designed for youth workers, volunteers and other people who work with people
with fewer opportunities on a daily basis. It is expected that there will be a group
of participants who are eager to transfer the methodology in a practical way in their groups of
youngsters and also to promote the concept of preventive education in their daily work. The minimum age limit is 18,
without any other limitation. Good level of English is needed, as a translation will not be provided. The aim is to have an overall number of 26 participants from the following countries: Romania, Latvia,
Estonia, Denmark, Turkey, Macedonia and UK.
The participants are expected to:
- bring their input related to their work with groups of youngsters, by proposing the concepts they
need to explore in their current work; - express their learning needs regarding: topics, the use of holistic facilitation and preventing the
occurrence of violent acts; - take part in the promotion of the concept and being involved in the dissemination schemes;
- commit to stay involved in follow-up activities since they want to explore and continue working in
the youth field.
In order to apply for this project, please fill this form, as an initial step in being selected.
You can get more information about this project here.