Повик за учесници за младинска размена во ТУРЦИЈА

Име на проектот: “Youth Against Bullying“.

📌 Краток опис на проектот:

 By solving the problems of migrants, it aims to  
ensure the full integration of the country’s norms and EU 
citizenship, culture. Thus, equal citizens and education, social, 
cultural, economic, artistic, etc. is considered. value added 
production in areas. Migrants and the public will also be able to 
social inclusion of migrants through increased knowledge and 
skills development. Immigrants who will eliminate their 
disadvantages will raise the standard of living and become role 
models for future generations.

📆Дата: 07 – 15 Jули 2021
👫Учесници: 4+1 од 18 – 29 години
📍Локација: Анталија, Турција

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[email protected] со subject: “People are not strange, İf you are not” 

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