Call for Proposals:
Grant for Youth CSOs Focusing on Addressing Corruption
The National Democratic Institute (NDI) invites youth-focused civil society organizations (CSOs) to apply with project proposals that concentrate on the intersection between corruption and youth engagement at the national or sub-national level.
An NDI public opinion poll (2021) found that citizens of North Macedonia identified corruption as a top issue. Youth can play an important role in combating corruption by calling on governments to increase transparency and participation in the government decision-making processes. Unfortunately, young people are some of the most detached from policy-making processes. With financial support from the National Endowment for Democracy, NDI supports youth political participation in combating corruption and will issue a six month subgrant.
Interested applicants need to take into consideration two main criteria in their project proposals:
- The National Strategy for Prevention of Corruption and Conflict of Interest (2021-2025) (MKD, ALB) and the Government Action Plan on engaging youth; and
- involve innovative activities that address how anti-corruption policies, particularly those relating to the lack of employment and inclusion opportunities for youth participation, lead to the continued “brain drain” within the country.
Illustratively, the type of anti-corruption activities which could be considered, include:
- creative ways for reporting corruption;
- incorporate digital tools to promote transparency;
- civic engagement through awareness-raising to;
- grassroots campaigning and/or street theatre; and
- direct legislative advocacy.
NDI will provide technical expertise on how to strategically engage institutions to advocate for the policy changes they wish to see implemented.
Award amount: The budget ceiling for the subgrant will be $5.000.
Deadline: Full proposal submissions have to be sent by email at [email protected] by February 14, 2022. Early submissions are encouraged.
All applicants are required to submit a project proposal and budget.
Interested applicants may submit questions on this call for proposals to [email protected]. Following the selection, the subgrant agreement is expected to start in March 2022.