Повик за учесници за локална пилатес работилница во рамки на проектот “Проширување на границите на меките вештини, ПАСПОРТ во образованието”

ЦМА Крик отвара повик за учесници за локална пилатес работилница.
Работилницата се спроведува во рамки на проектот “Проширување на границите на меките вештини, ПАСПОРТ во образованието”.Проектот е кофинансиран од Програмата Еразмус + спорт на Европската Унија.
Работилницата ќе биде спроведена од Марина Пешиќ – дипломиран спортски тренер, наставник по физичко образование и долгогодишен инструктор по пилатес, на 29.03.2022 , 17:00-18:00, во просториите на FITLIFE Studio 1 (Nevena Georgieva – Dunja 1, Skopje 1000)
За да изразите интерес за учество во локалната работилница пополнете ја следната апликациската форма.
*Учеството во работилницата е бесплатно и бројот на учесници е органичен поради COVID-19 протоколи, поради тоа пријавете се само доколку сте сигурни дека ќе учествувате, така што не би заземале простор.
*Селектираните учесници ќе бидат контактирани по електронска пошта.
Целта на проектот е да се зајакне свеста за додадената вредност на спортот и физичката активност во неформалното образование, како практично решение за развој на меките вештини.
Специфични цели:
  1. Да се создадат, тестираат и развијат 10 методи на учење во неформалното образование засновани на спортска методологија преку танц, шах, пилатес, фудбал, фитнес и боречки вештини.
  2. Да се промовира примената на спортските техники во образованието, преку развивање можности за  grasroot sport како поддршка на социјалната вклученост.
  3. Да се поддржи синергијата меѓу спортот од грасрут ниво и неформалното образование преку вклучување на релевантните чинители на ниво на заедницата.
Погледнете повеќе информации за проектните активности на нашето портфолио или на страната на проектот You Can Dance.
Целта на проектот е да се подигне свеста за додадената вредност на спортот и физичката активност во неформалното образование, како практично решение за развивање на личните вештини.
Проектот се спроведува помеѓу јануари 2021 и јуни 2022 година во партнерски конзорциум со Интеркултурната асоцијација за сите во Португалија, Центарот за младински активизам КРИК во Северна Македонија и Здружението за развој на млади и спорт од Турција.
За допилнителни прашања, контактирајте не на [email protected].
Ги очекуваме вашите апликации.

ЦМА Крик објавува повик за учесници на работилници на тема Претприемништво во рамки на проектот „Претприемирај се!“

Центарот за младински активизам ЦМА Крик објавува повик за учесници на работилници во – ДСУ за рехабилитација и образование Св. Наум Охридски“  и/или ДУРДМОВ “Димитар Влахов” – Скопје на тема Претприемништво во рамки на проектот „Претприемирај се!“.


Проектот „Претприемирај се!“ се имплементира во рамки на иницијативата „Балкански млади: поврзување на едукацијата, способностите и партнерскиот потенцијал во регионалните практики за вработување“ која е координирана од Junior Achievement Србија, а партнер од РС Македонија е Национален младински совет на Македонија, финансиски поддржана од ЕУ.

Главната цел на проектот „Претприемирај се!“ е да се негува и поттикне претприемачкиот дух на младите во земјата и да се обезбедат можности за личен раст и развој низ призмата на претприемништвото.

Младинските програми ќе имаат за цел да го промовираат претприемништвото во 4 училишта – 2 во Скопје и 2 во Пробиштип. Програмите ќе се фокусираат на неформално образование за младинско претприемништво дизајнирано од искусни младински работници во областа.

Во методологијата широко ќе се користи методот на гејмификација (креирање онлајн игри за учење) и учесниците ќе имаат можност да ја користат апликацијата BeCoral, за најдобри практики. BeCoral е апликација за мобилни телефони, која е развиена преку стратешко партнерство Eramus+ во кое Крик е партнер. Целна група на програмите ќе бидат 20 млади луѓе во секоја програма (вкупно 80) од средните стручни училишта. Програмите ќе развијат вештини за овие млади луѓе да станат претприемачи откако ќе го завршат своето образование во професијата што ја избрале во нивната локална заедница. Програмите ќе се спроведуваат во просториите на училиштата, учесниците ќе бидат поканети од училиштата, но програмите ќе бидат отворени и за други млади кои сакаат да учествуваат. Во програмите ќе бидат опфатени млади лица со и без попреченост.

Програмите ќе траат вкупно 3 месеци и ќе содржат 10 работилници за одредени теми. Двајца младински работници за секоја програма (вкупно 8) ќе ги дизајнираат програмите и соодветно ќе ги имплементираат. Програмите ќе го поттикнат претприемачкиот дух кај средношколците и ќе им покажат алатки како да ги постигнат своите идеи.

За да бидете дел од работилниците, аплицирајте на следниот линк

Доколку имате дополнителни прашања, контактирајте нè на [email protected]

YE “Resounding Citizenship” 3-10 May 2022

Are you willing to have A more ACTIVE role as a CITIZEN?

Are you looking for more active and participatory learning opportunities?

Would you like to discover and experience more about ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP values such as SELF-KNWOLEDGE, EMPATHY, ACTIVE LISTENING through the use of the universal language of HUMAN MUSICALITY?

Are you open to launch in this adventure during an intense week with people from different countries and backgrounds?

This is an invitation for you to take a step out from your comfort zone and take action, experiencing and reflecting upon active citizenship values through unusual methods!

Here we collect and present important information to live this experience.


This project is a Youth Exchange (an experience that allow groups of young people from different countries to meet, live together and work on specific topics) part of the european program Erasmus + that support education, training, youth and sport in Europe.


  • Living together means to be able to speak up, to LISTEN to each other, and to generate HARMONY out of all the richness of all of our different VOICES.
  • RESOUNDING CITIZENSHIP comes from the idea of exploring and experiencing what it takes to bring about ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP throughout different contexts and communities. So, why not exploring these values with our bodies and ears, through the universal language of the inherent human musicality that beats within everyone?
  • During the sessions of the Youth Exchange, you will have the opportunity to experiment a new way of working on topics such as EMPATHY, ACTIVE LISTENING, SELF-KNOWLEDGE, at the same time as you will be able to explore your ability to HEAR, to play with SOUNDS, and to CREATE together!
  • the ye will also be a starting point for you to envision and plan, with the support of our partners, an action or activity to carry out in your own community in the months following the exchange.


YUPI is a NGO based in Famalicão (porto – portugal), composed of 300 youngsters under 30 years old with strong motivations to participate actively in the civic society and cooperate with the local community, broadening their activities to an European dimension. YUPI organizes Youth Exchanges as well as many other kinds of activities to foster awareness and effective practices on topics such as gender equality, human rights, active citizenship, by use of non formal education methods.


  • Between 18 and 30 years old
  • Open-minded and interested in the topic of ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP
  • Active in your own local community (taking initiative and participating in cultural acitivities, sports, education, activism, religious groups, nature, or any other kind of formal and non-formal gatherings and organizations…)
  • Curious, enthusiast and life-hungry!
  • Willing to put in practice what you will learn in your own community and daily life
  • the format of youth exchanges does not normally envolve that the participants replicate actions at a local level as a mandatory aspect. however, all the partner associations in resounding citizenship think that the process of taking initiative in one’s own community is a great chance to give strength and shape to what they may discover or learn during the exchange, and a wonderful opportunity to bring about active citizenship.
  • For this reason, being a proactive person at any level and in any way in your own community will be regarded as a very distinctive aspect in your profile!
  • important! – you don’t need to have any special musical skills, musical education or singing abilities. having a beating heart is already a lot!



Bangherang is an organization created in 2020 from the merge of 2 youth associations. The basic goal of Bangherang  is to foster youth protagonism through non formal education methodologies adapted in many different fields of participation to democratic life. Bangherang works both local and European level fostering values of active citizienship trough many different projects.


Centre for youth activism KRIK is a non-governmental, non profit organization established and led by young people, giving voice young people to make changes and contributions in the society. KRIK strives to encourage greater youth participation, youth activism, and young people inclusion in policy-making processes. krik works on matters such as ecology, critical thinking and communicative skills, as well as the well-being of the socially excluded groups.


Asociación Mundus is a non-profit organization established in 2013 in Spain and based in Santa Coloma de Gramenet (Barcelona), Girona and Zaragoza. Mundus aim is to promote intercultural learning, volunteering and non-formal education. the main activities of Mundus consist in managing international training and mobility projects like internships, volunteering, youth exchanges and training courses. Mundus strongly believes that values such as lifelong learning education and intercultural dialogue can benefit of international mobility as a tool to build an inclusive, equalitarian and intercultural society.


  • the YE will take part in Portugal at Quinta da Costa, a charming old family country HOUSE built in the 15th century near the city of Famalicão, in the region of Porto.
  • You will be accomodated in two 25-bed dorm rooms in a MODERN building surrounded by trees, fruit plantations, a small natural stream, and a swimming pool.
  • the activities will take palce in a very large and luminous living room at the upper floor of the building, AND IN THE WONDERFUL SURROUNDINGS


  • may 3rd – arrival day, all the participants reach the venue starting from 16h00 gmt+0
  • may 4th – may 9th resounding citizenship youth exchange activities
  • may 10th- departure day, all the participants leave the venue before 12h00 gmt+0
  • the daily activities will be generally divided in two sessions with two ‘coffee breaks’ (morning and afternoon) and a longer lunch break. on day 6th of may there will be a trip to the city of porto, during which the lunch will be provided and some time will be available for sightseeing
  • the activity plan will consist in activities of many different kinds, carried out either individually, in pairs, in small groups, or with the whole group, through which we will reflect, work and debate collectively on awareness, self-knowledge, empathy, active listening, digitalization.
  • you will be spending a whole week with people from different countries you hadn’t met before. only a part of this time will be structured, so, come prepared! we suggest you to think about and bring anything you may want to share with the people that will live this experience with you.


The youth exchange is funded through Erasmus+ Program. Thus accommodation, food, planned workshops and pedagogical equipment are fully covered from May th 3rd (check-in from 16h00 gmt+0) to May, the 10th (check-out before 12h00 gmt+o). Any expense incurred before or after these dates or linked to extra activities/leisure will be yours.

Likewise, your travel costs to reach the venue and go back to your country, up to the maximum allowed amount and in a time-frame of maximum 2 days before and 2 days after the training course, will be fully reimbursed after attending the totality of the YE, IF AND ONLY IF you will provide all the invoices related to the expenses!

According to the Erasmus+ Program regulations, the financial contributions to your travel costs will have a total maximum amount of:

Italy: 180€

Spain: 180€

North Macedonia: 360€

Portugal: 20€

You can come either by plane, train, boat or bus, depending on

your availability and ethics, but remember that e can reimburse only public transportation, 2nd class fares.

Taxi is not refundable.

IMPORTANT: For the reimbursement, you will need to give to your sending organization:

1/ An invoice with the itinerary of your trip, the names of the passenger(s) and, very important, the price of the ticket. In case a problem happens with the invoice, we will accept the e-tickets if they include all of the mentioned information.

2/ All your original travel tickets and receipts (train, boat, bus tickets with the price on it, boarding passes, etc.).



The stamped ticket/boarding pass is a very important

document, the only evidence that you took the flight / train / bus / boat, and is required by National Agency of Erasmus+ for reimbursement. If you use your mobile phone don’t forget to printscreen the boarding pass, because the link can expire and in case you lose access we may not be able to reimburse you.

Likewise, you have to provide an invoice of your eventual Covid tests. it will be your responsibility to take good care of all those documents and to give them on time to your sending organization. If you take a picture of the documents please take care that they are not folded and to put a blank paper behind!

Be aware that we cannot provide reimbursement of ANY of your travel expenses if a document is missing. If you loose any of your tickets, boarding passes or invoices, your travel costs will not be supported at all.

Only when the sending organization has all the documents from all the participants from your country, money transfers will be done, from your sending organization to you. This can take from one to three months depending on how fast all the documents are gathered.

portugal time zone is gmt, meaning that if it’s 15h00 in rome, barcelona and skopje, it will be 14h00 in lisbon and porto!


from Porto airport (Aeroporto Francisco Sá Carneiro):

metro (airport -> trindade -> são bento train station) [30′-40’/2€] >>> train to Mouquim station [45’/2,70€] >>> 1,8km walk from the station to the Venue (Quinta da Costa, Rua da Costa 771, 4770-357)

follow the metro signals from inside the airport. Get to the automatic ticketing machines near the metro dock, buy your “Andante” rechargeable metro ticket and charge it with a “Z4” metro ticket (cost: 2€, payable with cash or credit card). Don’t get rid of it! You will need it during your backtrip.

you can also fly to lisbon and take a bus or train to porto if it fits you well. once in porto you will have to get to são bento train station or campanhã train station in

order to take the train to mouquim

info on trains —> https://www.cp.pt/passageiros/en

info on porto metro —> https://en.metrodoporto.pt/


Obtaining a full insurance (travel risks, medical, injuries) included in the maximum travel budget is your responsibility. Providing us information on your special needs does not remove your personal responsibility for ensuring your own health and safety. Therefore, we strongly recommend you to subscribe to a European medical insurance in case you are not under coverage of the european health system, and to carry your european security card if you are. We will contact skilled doctors and bring you to the pharmacy or to the hospital if needed but we will not cover your fees.

Please notice that it is your responsibility to verify the state of the rules on covid-19 testing and/or vaccine certificate travel policies. Covid-19 tests will be reimbursed if mandatory for travel only if you can provide an invoice.


As a participant, you commit yourself to actively participate in the whole process, including:

– to read all the information carefully (especially this infopack and all the emails we will send you before your coming) and communicate timely with the organizers

– to prepare your mind, body and imagination for a rich and intense week within a 30-people group

– to take actively part in the full duration of the activities (it means coming later or leaving earlier is not possible)

– to give all the necessary documents to your sending organization (travel invoices, boarding passes, tickets, covid tests invoices…) for the reimbursement of your travel costs

– to participate in the evaluation process after the exchange and, if it’s the case, to share eventual actions following the ye in your local commmunity


  • northern portugal can be rainy & cold even during the summer. have a look at the weather reports before departure and anyway bring some warm and waterproof clothes and shoes to be prepared to the somewhat unpredictable changes of the weather in the region.
  • don’t forget to bring your own towels, a pair of slippers and your own toothpaste and soap/shampoo. there is a swimming pool, so don’t forget to bring your swimsuit!
  • during one of the nights, we will do a sarau: everybody will be free to share and show poetry, literature, music, dance, photographs or anything that you feel might enter the circle. bring your favourite books, your musical instrument, or any other object/record you feel you want to have with you in that occasion.
  • you will be staying very far form any supermarket, you should bring anything you need for the whole stay, from medicines to your favourite herbal infusion.
  • feel free to bring games, music, other entertainment items to enjoy and share during the stay with the other participants!


During the Youth exchange all the meals will be vegetarian.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be provided. the meals will be cooked at the venue by Beijaflor Cantine (check it out –> www.facebook.com/beijaflorcantine) If you are not used to do without meat, we really hope that you will embrace this as an opportunity for a new experience!

Good to know: Alcohol is not included in the daily diet. Your drinks will be at your charge.


To attend the youth exchange, you have to fill the application form.


CYA Krik is looking for 3 participants for TC “WELL-BE” in Velje, Denmark.

The host:

Hora Copenhagen is the hosting organisation. We are an NGO from Denmark, run by members both from Romania and Denmark. Hora aims to involve both youth and youth trainers into various international projects in order to expand their cultural horizon, knowledge and understanding on topics like social entrepreneurship, mental and physical wellbeing.

Project Dates:

9th of June – arrival day; 16th of June – departure day

You can stay up to 1 day before and after the project dates. Your transportation costs will be reimbursed. However, you will have to cover your own the other expenses!

About the Project:

A major problem in recent years in the European Union is increase in the number of young people at risk and in particular in the number of NEETs (youth not in Education Employment or Training). WELL-BE has two main priorities: (1) to support young people find a job / continue their studies – by offering coaching and mentorship personalized. (2) to equip youth workers with the knowledge, tools and skills regarding youth coaching and mentoring.

The project consists of 2 Training Courses (TC):

TC 1 – in Denmark: Experiment and acquire coaching and mentoring techniques. The participants will train their coaching skills and access knowledge on the subject. After the TC 1, the youth workers return to their local communities with the commitment of delivering coaching sessions for minimum 10 participants, for youngsters at the limit of NEEDs or included in this category.

TC 2 – in Romania: Developing a model of coaching intervention for youth. The youth workers will meet again to share good practices, weaknesses and tools, what tools really worked, what did not work and develop together a high quality coaching model for different categories of youth. (last week of July)

Participant Profile:

– has at least 18 years old

– has at least 2 years of experience working with young people and are interested in becoming mentors / holding coaching sessions for young people in their organization and/or local community.

– open to new, flexible, proactive and willing to work in an multicultural environment as a team player

– is motivated to participate in these training courses and is interested in the proposed topic

– which has English skills necessary for the proper course of the project and for achieving its objectives

– willing to implement, in the local community , 10 coaching sessions each / 1 group coaching session with minimum 10 participants

– youngsters at the limit of NEEDs or included in this category -willing to share the learning outcomes of the training course in their organizations or local community

*Applicants that are able to participate in both mobilities will have priority in the participant selection.

Expand your Network with:

23 participants from Cyprus (3), Denmark(3), Italy(3), North Macedonia(3), Portugal(3), Romania(3), Turkey(3) + 2 trainers


The organizer provides accommodation and food for the entire training course. The place is located by the charming small town Vejle, at about 30 minutes from Legoland in Billund and less than 2½ hours from the capital. Participants will be hosted in shared rooms at Spejderbakken Øvre – a house that belongs to The Green Girl Scouts of Denmark. WI-FI is available in the whole building.


3 vegetarian meals + 2 coffee breaks between sessions per day. As we are against animal cruelty and exploitation, we will offer only vegetarian meal courses prepared by our chefs in the local kitchen.


275e These amounts represent the maximum that can be reimbursered. However we kindly recommend to be considerate and rather choose environmentally friendly and economic ways of transportation.


You need to use the coaching tools that you have just learned and organize coaching sessions for minimum 10 youngsters at the limit of NEEDs or included in this category You will have 30 days after the TC to organize the coaching sessions. After the activity please send us 5 pics and a short resume.


As of f 1 February 2022 rules for entry to Denmark have been eased:

· All persons from anywhere in the world with a valid proof of vaccination with an approved vaccine or proof of previous infection may enter Denmark without being subject to any COVID-19 entry restrictions.

How to apply:

If interested, please fill in the application form. Deadline for applications:11.03.2022

For any additional questions, contact us at [email protected]

Повик за вработување за окупационен терапевт-Специјален едукатор и рехабилитатор

  • Позиција: Окупационен терапевт
  • Работни часови: Целосно работно време (40 часа неделно) Понеделник до петок од 9 до 17 часот. 
  • Локација: Црниче, Скопје
  • Вид договор: Можност за договор за вработување или договор на дело 


Проектот Добивање живот “- Деинституционализација на жителите на институцијата Специјален Завод – Демир Капија, се очекува да поддржи преселување на 45 лица со интелектуална попреченост од установата  во 9 независни станбени единици во  Вардарски регион. Со цел да се обезбеди поддршка на лицата со интелектуална попреченост што ќе живеат во независните станбени единици, ПИН и Центар за младински активизам Цма Крик ќе ангажираат персонал кој ќе обезбеди помош и поддршка. Како дел од проектните активности, се воспоставува дневен центар за лица со попреченост во Црниче, Скопје.

Опис на работно место ( Окупационен терапевт ) (1 позиција)

Окупационен терапевт помага во извршување на професионална услуга на млади и возрасни корисници на дневен центар за лица со попреченост, ефективно, ефикасно и навремено спроведува програма за работа и решава прашањата на во врска со корисниците кои ја користат услугата.

Должности и одговорности ( Окупационен терапевт)

Помага на корисниците да станат посамоуверени во изведувањето на самостојни секојдневни активности, да се постигне максимална самостојност во секојдневниот живот
Креирање, спроведување и следење на прогресот на програма за работа на окупационен терапевт
Промена, одржување или воспоставување на активности за грижа за себе на корисниците во секојдневни активности
Воспоставување и/или промена на изведување на групни активности во дневен центар
Создавање и прилагодување на активности за слободно време како хоби, одмор, рекреација
Следење на прогресот на корисниците и адаптирање на активностите според нивните потреби

Потребни квалификации:

  • да биде државјанин на Република Северна Македонија
  • активно да го користи македонскиот јазик
  • да се биде возрасен над 18 години
  • да имаат општа здравствена способност за работата
  • да имаат завршени студии по специјална едукација и рехабилитација
  • да има искуство со работа со лица со попреченост
  • со правосилна судска одлука да не е осуден на забрана за вршење професија, дејност или должност

Како да се аплицира

Мажите и жените се подеднакво охрабрени да аплицираат. Ве молиме, испратете CV на е-адресата: [email protected] и [email protected]

Насловот треба да ја наведува позицијата на работата и вашето име Пр. Окупационен терапевт Петар Петровски. Апликациите поднесени во други форми нема да бидат разгледани.

Само селектираните  кандидати ќе бидат контактирани. Сите кандидати се охрабруваат да аплицираат. Рокот за пријавување е до 25-ти февруари 2022 година, во 23:59 часот.


Обезбедени месечни средства во бруто сума од 28 290 мкд. Можност за вработување со договор за вработување или договор на дело.

Договор за вработување-19 211 мкд

Договор на дело-25 146 мкд

CYA Krik is looking for a volunteer in Thailand for 3 months.

CYA Krik is looking for a volunteer in Thailand for 3 months.

  • 80 days
  • June 2022

Your role

Volunteer will be divided to work in 1 school and 3 kindergarten in Padang Besar sub-district, Sadao, Songkhla.

Main job is to communicate in English with students, encourage them to use English with you. Because in Thailand less Thai English teacher can speak English well by culture barrier. So volunteer will create the situation for student to use English in the class with non-formal education tools such as Song, Game, Creating English Situation in the class (for example market situation to let then learn more word or some conversation that could happen in the market), basic English in daily life, ect.

Volunteers can ask for equipment for lesson preparing from teacher in the school. School and kindergarten atmosphere, Thai teacher could not speak English well (as well as children), be prepared on this, you may face difficulty of communication situation but international volunteers will be together. So at least you have friends who can communicate with you. But Thai people really easy going, like to support, help and keen to learn if you are open mind to teach them or communicate with them slowly by slowly.

Qualification & prerequisites

  • Volunteer can communicate in
  •  No criminal record proved
    (Certificate of Good conduct)
  • Age 22 years old up+
  • Female only
  • Be creative in the class tools
  • Like to be with small kids

Accomodation & Food

Education Reform is one of exigent project in Thailand. Regarding the gap between city and countryside in Thailand, education decide is one of the problem that need to be solve. The project try to recruit international volunteer to be in the countryside at least to create international atmosphere in community. Encourage everyone to see how important of intercultural knowledge in nowaday.
Padang Bezar is the border sub-district in Sadao Songkhla. The location connect to Perlis, Malaysia. Main occupation in this town is commercial between Thailand and Malaysia. 60% is Muslim 30% Buddhist and others.

Volunteer will stay with Thai host family house. Volunteer will share room with other volunteers, share restroom with family.

You can cook at the host family for breakfast and supper. There will be lunch at the workplace (school or kindergarten) volunteer
will have lunch with teacher or staff or students. Volunteer is welcome to help or learn cooking with host family or at workplace as well as to bring some ingredients from your country for food culture exchange.

Visa & travel arrangements

Due to the current situation all of volunteers are required to be fully vaccinated with one of European medicine agency recognized vaccine. Information on Covid-19 restrictions can be found here. Further information on entry requirements can be found here.

Visa procedure takes usually 1 month. The visa has to be arranged prior to the departure. More information can be found here.

The sending and hosting organisation will give further information to the volunteers.

Hosting organization

VSA Thailand is an Informal Education Organization / Non-Profit Organization (NPO) / Non-Government Organization (NGO) / Social Enterprise / Peace organization collaborating international voluntary projects for people of all ages, cultures, religious and economic backgrounds.

VSA is IVS representative in Thailand as the bridge to bring people from various cultures or believing to learn cultural diversity, make understanding by supporting activities of local communities around the world. Imagine, the small group of people with different characters gathering in local communities around the world and supporting local activities with villagers. This’s the image of idea ‘Think Global Act Local’

Learning and understanding in cultural diversity bring the Companion, Reducing Conflict, Individual Capacity Building and Developing Community Potential.

more information: https://www.volunteerspirit.or.th/about-our-organization.


How to apply

Send us a CV and motivational letter at [email protected]

CYA Krik is looking for a participant for TC: Hero’s Journey: the power of storytelling for wellbeing

CYA Krik is looking for a participant for TC: Hero’s Journey: the power of storytelling for wellbeing

Training Course about storytelling method for educating the youth at risk on how to take care of their mental health & well-being.

Date & Venue: 29 April to 6 May 2022, The Netherlands

About Hero’s Journey…

Hero ´ s journey: the power of storytelling for wellbeing is a Training Course funded by the Erasmus+ program that aims to equip organizations with the storytelling method for educating the youth at risk on how to take care of their mental health & well-being. Before the Training Course, we will have 2 online preparation meetings. During the training, you will learn about storytelling competence and its usage for educating on how to take care of their mental health & wellbeing. Participants will design and implement 12 workshops using storytelling methods for educating youth at risk on how to take care of their mental health & well-being. The follow-up period will be an opportunity to put into practice what you learned. We will create an event to identify, publish and promote stories that can be used for fostering empathy, understanding and self reflection to promote mental health & well-being.

Everyone has a story

Human civilization has been evolving around stories and narratives which constitute our identity and seeing of the world since prehistoric times. Stories have an enormous influence on the human mind and perception. Stories talk from our past, fears for our future, and high and low moments from our lives. We’re all more than just one dimension or one story. Simply listening to and acknowledging others ‘ stories, helps to create a greater sense of wellbeing, reducing the risk of loneliness and stress. For that reason, stories are a brilliant tool to work with human health and well-being, and working through Storytelling provides an opportunity to shift these inner narratives to a more positive and empowering one.

Our approach

The AIM of our project is “To equip organizations with the storytelling method for educating the youth at risk on how to take care of their mental health & well-being.” We work with EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING: learning by doing & leaning by experiencing. We approach learning as a collective process. During the training we will offer the foundations for the group to work together and learn from each other and for each other. The program structure will be built up in a way that the participants experience will be supported by storytelling theory, embodied activities, each other learning resources, common sharing and reflections.


Preparation: 1st online meeting: End march 2nd online meeting: Middle April

Training Course: Arrival: 29th April Departure: 6th May before 10 am

Follow – up: After the TC, the journey continues with applying what you have learned back in your own youth work. All participants are asked to create a follow-up activity, organise it and report it back after the training course.

Participant’ s profile

You are 20+ years old. You are a registered inhabitant of Greece, Bulgaria, North Macedonia. Czech Republic, Latvia, Spain, and/or the Netherlands. You are a youth worker, social worker, trainer, volunteer in a youth organization, and/or student in social work. Willing to live, learn, reflect, experiment, and explore in a multicultural group through 8-10 hs of daily intensive program. You are able to work in English. You are highly motivated and willing to actively participate during the whole project and put into practice your learnings during the implementation period, follow-up activities and beyond.

Meals & Venue

We will be hosted in the accommodation place called De gouwe droom in the North Holland region. The bedrooms will be shared among 4-5 people max. Each bedroom will have its own sanitary facilities; a shower, sink and a separate toilet. The Accommodation will be our home for the entire program and we will take care of it by ourselves (eg. washing dishes, cleaning the rooms, respecting the surrounding nature). Around the accommodation, there is an outdoor space for outdoor activities, walking, and meditation. We will have healthy & environmentally conscious food. Meals will be vegetarian & vegan.

Participant’ s contribution

The project is funded through The Erasmus+ program, thus accommodation, food, and materials are fully covered. There will be a participants contribution of 50 € per person that will be paid upon arrival in cash.


You will be reimbursed the exact amount of travel money, provided that is within the set limit. To be eligible for reimbursement, we ask you to keep all your original tickets, boarding passes and invoices. The reimbursement of travel costs is done after the WHOLE project is completed (preparation, training course, implementation, and follow-up activities) and you provide us the travel documents, and you fill in the evaluation forms.


Together we fight Covid-19

Before applying though, please read this document thoroughly and check if you are in line with the COVID19 measures we will take to participate in our Training

Outline of the strategy:

– Our aim is to hold the course without a mask, without risking our safety.

– We will follow the Dutch national regulations regarding COVID-19. We are following the national regulations that are valid on the period the project is happening.

– If COVID tests are required to enter/exit the country, the participants are responsible to cover the costs. For the tests before departing, Stichting Heimat will support with organizing a testing process.

– If there will be any COVID incident during the course, Stichting Heimat will support the participants to organize all needed processes (testing, quarantine in different accommodations, etc). Costs are covered by the participants.

– We can’t reimburse any travel expenses if a participant is excluded from the course because of a positive COVID test result.

How to apply:

To apply, fill in the online application form latest by the 20.03.2022

CYA Krik is looking for a volunteer for Waste management in Vietnam (80days).

CYA Krik is looking for a volunteer for Waste management in Vietnam (80days)

Starting date: 01.06.2022

  • Vietnam
  • 80
  • Spring 2022

Your role

Your tasks would be:

  • Work closely with our project team for providing distinctive analysis, insights on plastic waste management and circular economy. Scope, research and publish content on themes as diverse as solid waste management, human rights, ocean health, genders, sustainability and the circular economy.
  • Assist in generating content and providing research oversight for a select number of projects on ocean plastics and advancing the circular economy for plastics.
  • Assist in conducting plastic-related socio-economic survey/research
  • Maintain tools and processes to support ongoing learning and access to data across the
  • Promote a data-driven culture and encourage colleagues to use and contribute to
    resources and tool
  • Support the development of compelling projects proposals and scopes of work to secure
    funder and partner interest
  • Ensure timely delivery of high-quality, credible work products
  • Contribute to reporting when necessary

Qualification & prerequisites

    • Solid knowledge of environmental science (especially in plastic pollution)
    • Proficient in spoken and written English
    • Experience developing written content on sustainability-linked themes or topics in
      emerging markets
    • research skills
    • people skills, known for being a good listener, taking feedback well,
    • generating actionable insights
    • MS Office
    • data visualisation
    • Self-motivated and ability to manage your own time
    • A ‘can do’ attitude and a flexible approach to work demands
    • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
    Volunteers from Slovakia, Czechia, North Macedonia and Italy are eligible for this position.

Visa & travel arrangements

Due to the current situation all of volunteers are required to be fully vaccinated with one of the vaccines. Sinovac (Chinese vaccine) are not highly recommended because of its side-effects. It is important to bring the vaccination certificates. Information on Covid-19 restrictions can be found here.

Visa procedure takes usually 1 -3 month.

The sending and hosting organisation will give further information to the volunteers.

Hosting organisation

The Centre for Supporting Green Development (GreenHub) is a Vietnamese, civil society organization under the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations (Vusta) with oversight by the Ministry of Science & Technology, and with an CSO Registration Number A1555. GreenHub’s Vision is the green development of Vietnam, and its mission is to connect communities and resources to embrace green lifestyle practices, sustainable production and nature conservation.

The “Local Solutions for Plastic Pollution” (LSPP) funded by the USAID addresses the challenges faced by local communities in overcoming the negative environmental health impacts caused by plastics pollution which is increasing in Vietnam. Vietnam is listed as 1 of the top 5 plastic waste polluters of the world’s oceans, discharging 0.28 – 0.73 million tons annually. While plastics pollution is increasingly receiving policy attention at the national level, local empowerment of actors at the local level is needed to collaborate, take collective action, change behaviors and advocate for policies based on solid environmental, health and community evidence. To develop
and sustain solutions, the use of information technology is essential. However, there is no central or local initiative or internet-based platform on plastics pollution and its environmental health impacts in Vietnam for actors to interact and network, nor mobile solutions (mHealth) to deliver environmental health education, reliable plastic waste community information, and support collective action to prioritize action, create and share online solutions. The ‘Local Solutions for Plastic Pollution’ project activities aim to empower local communities to reduce plastics pollution by building collective action from the ground up by creating, strengthening and uniting networks, communities and individuals in Hanoi, Ha Long (Quang Ninh), Da Nang, and Hoi An (Quang Nam). The project duration is August 2020 – July 2023 and implemented by GreenHub, the Institute of Strategy and Policy on Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE), Hanoi University of Public Health, and Global Integrated Management System Company Limited (GIMASYS).


How to apply?

Send us a CV and a motivational lette at [email protected]

CYA Krik is looking for 4 participants for TC “Let’s Match” in Italy

CYA Krik is looking for 4 participants for TC “Matching youth workers competences with the inclusive activities – Let’s Match”

The focus of the TC will be on applying non-formal methods in youth workers’ professional development, in particular, the TC will provide organizations’ youth workers with competences related to working with specific target groups – young people with fewer opportunities in order to provide more inclusive activities, programs and projects in their local communities.


Each partner should select, prepare and send 4 youth workers.
The desired profile of participants:

  • youth workers above 18 years old
  • motivated to develop their competences in working with youngsters and specifically vulnerable youngsters
  • a minimum applied background in non-formal methods and work-based settings with vulnerable target groups
  • be able to act as a multiplier in their local communities
  • having interests in local development and youth policies
  • be able to work in English in order to interact and fully understand learning outcomes
  • be committed to attend the whole duration of the training course
  • be able to disseminate project results within local communities and peers during their service and beyond


Participants should contact their sending organization for travel arrangements!


The Training Course will be hosted in “Antico Convento San Francesco“, a building property ofthe Municipality of Bagnacavallo, now managed by a young couple that has turned itinto an affordable hotel. 

The bedrooms are for 4-6-8 people and every room has a toilet with a shower. https://www.anticoconventosanfrancesco.it/ 

Via Luigi Cadorna 10, 48012 Bagnacavallo RA 


The hosting organisation will provide accommodation and food for the entire training course: 3 meals + 2 coffee breaks between sessions per day. 

Participants must attend the whole duration of the Training Course and submit the final evaluation questionnaire in order to receive the reimbursement. The reimbursement will be done directly to the sending organisation, after they have received all needed documents and the participants have submitted the evaluation questionnaire.


COVID-19 – the situation with the Covid-19 is changing constantly, please check the following web pages in order to be updated for all new measures and rules in Italy. https://infocovid.viaggiaresicuri.it/index_en.html 


The program of the training course will include an intercultural evening, thus you are welcome to bring with you something to taste, some music or anything presenting your culture. 

If you have any questions or doubts, feel free to contact us at [email protected] or the seeing organisation from your country.

How to apply

If you are interested in participating in the TC, please fill in the application form.